MACCS participated in the World Customs Organization (WCO) ICT Conference 17-20 October 2022.
Delegates from least developed and developing countries were present to our booth to discover our portfolio of services which includes the Port Community System, Ground Handling Airline solutions, Vessel Clearance System, Trade Facilitation Solution and Capacity building projects.The event was of great success with
more than 1200 participants and MACCS was the unique company sharing Mauritius competences at international level.
The main focus during this event was on Data Culture which aligns to the strategy of MACCS as we embark on Data Analytics in the Trade Community. MACCS CEO Charansingh Dabeesing presented to the Tech talk on “Changing the landscape of the Trade Community through systems integration in a cloud environment”. A very interesting topic with great opportunities for certain administrations to embark on digital transformation with MACCS.
Mauritius Cargo Community Services LTD at the World Custom Organization Technology Conference & Exhibition
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